Aumbience |
Shivam rath
Creator of the Aumbience co; recording, mixing and producing various sounds, songs and meditative albums. A musician and multi instrumentalist following the pursuits of Nada Yoga (Sound sadhana - discipline) In spare time - Creative Writer - Wandering traveller & all around Yoga teacher. Hailing from the alternative neighbourhood/ yoga capital of Australia 'Byron Bay', Shivam follows a blood line of Musical parents. Through singer song writer mother Rosemary Rath and multi instrumentalist/ yogi ~ father Kaoshal Saraswati Ananada; comes a peculiar karmic connection to the path of music; traditional Yogic philosophy and the holy city of life, death and spiritual mayhem - Khassi - Banaras or otherwise known as Varanassi - perhaps one of the oldest living cities on the earth. This place in particular being where the Indian pathway of classical music began to unfold. But ultimately the experience of living in India has helped shape; form and produce the psychic seeds of musical and spiritual inspiration within the emerging pathway of that combined integration - NadaYoga Studying for over six years since commencing the Indian classical system of music and the Bihar school of Yoga both for a personal path of spiritual practice and ultimately towards the practice of music within spirituality. Sharing these qualities through both workshop environments and live performances; in temples, shrines, yoga studios, the streets; nature; bars and cafes across the world. Believing that there should be no boundary between language/ place or time for the act of sudh~sangeet (pure sound) and if it is truly such then all people will feel and understand the purity of that. (ReadMore - NadaYoga~) Being equally focused on both tal (rhythm) and raaga (melody) Shivam has Studied - Tabla (Indian Drums) from recently deceased master Sri Chotalal Misra and the fusion instrument of Indian slide guitar also known as - Mohan Veena or Chatarangi from retired professor ShibannathBattacharia of Varanassi and more recently since 2013 under the strict musical discipline of renowned world performer Debashish Battacharia of Kalkatta. who is also the creator of the Chatarangi (four coloured fusion instrument - which combines Sitar-Veena-Sarod & guitar into one) Initially drawn to the practice of Gyan (Jnana) Yoga - the yoga of the mind and intellect before eventually gravitating to the path of Bhakti Yoga - that of devotion or the heart. This being Chiefly because of the practice of Kirtana - music and chanting, shared in a group atmosphere and experiencing the rare but evident sensation of ananda or bliss within that shared space. Hence at last gravitating towards the practice of Nada Yoga in the attempt to process both aspects of Mind and Heart together through the practice of sound and music. Currently travelling and touring within this pathway in order to spread the practice and experience. Or in other words to share the 'good vibrations' Below image of Chatarangi - by Debashish Battacharia (notice the inscribed image of Saraswati Devi - the goddess of music.) 'Just as music with only mind and technique becomes dry without flavour; music with only heart may not always achieve the level or means to reach its desired goal. Hence through the cultivation of both these facets; one can attempt to bridge the balance between head and heart within oneself (i.e the union and essence of yoga) whereafter through the power of sound or music; consequently transmit that vibration and achieved state unto others'. Shivam Rath. |
OriginallyShivam Rath プロフィール バイロンベイ出身、生来の音楽家でありヨギである両親を持つマルチインストロメンタリスト。インド古典音楽をインディアン・スライドギターの巨匠、Debashish Bhattacharyに師事。2015年1月には氏が主催するInternational Guitar Festival (コルカタ)に出演。同年4月にはMicotsuki Shivamoon名義でアルバム『Star Seed Garden』をリリース。「音の種蒔きツアー」と題した同ツアーでは、日本全国50カ所以上を巡礼。 またサッチャナンダ・ヨガ・アシュラム、認定ヨガ教師でもあり、Nada Yoga(音のヨガ)の指導者としても知られる。インド古典音楽の要素をヨガのプラクティスとして取り入れたオリジナルのスタイルが好評となり、これまでオーストラリア、インド、タイ、台湾、日本を含む世界各地のヨガスタジオ、アシュラムで歌うヨガ「キルタン」のレッスンを展開。 However prior to the Indian classical training....... 'These days I am explaining a lot about my past and how my current life path has been paved and shaped to what it is now within various classes and concerts ~ it seems to have an impact on people ~ the context of my life, journey and yogic connection to sound and indian music. So I will also share here briefly about my story so that you may also understand where I am coming from and thus where my aim is within the atmosphere of sound and music. 'I was raised for the first 18 years of my life in the alternative neighbourhood/ yoga capital of Australia 'Byron Bay', & although I had two very unique Musical parents; who were very talented and open minded (i.e naming me Shivam Rath from birth and training me in Sa-re-ga-ma-pa ~ indian Do-re-me-fa-so). The pressure or expectations my father placed on me and the public context I grew up in made me feel both embarrassed and guilty about expressing music; as well as my parents. So I did what any child would naturally do ~ I rebelled against them; I rebelled against music and I rebelled against the very natural gift within me; shunning it from the world. It was not until my later teenage years did I finally give attention to that personal interest and affinity towards the music that reflected me. My mother singer song writer Rosemary Rath and multi instrumentalist/ yogi ~ father Kaoshal Saraswati Ananada; who also lived in Varnassi india for 2 years in the 80's and studied serious Tabla under renowned maestro Sri Pandit ChotaLalMisra. That was 30 years before ~ so now over 30 years later I come to India in 2009 on my own; due to an interest in Yoga - I brought a guitar with me, and knew I wanted to pay respects to my fathers teacher but without ever imagining it ~ after I arrived in Varanassi and met him; I witnessed the life of an old saintly man whose only role at that stage was to share and give his knowledge of the music and art form he loved so much. Thus I began studying Indian classical music and the drums from the same teacher as my father. This peculiar karmic connection over time then began to dawn on me; my name Shivam; the gravity of the city Varanassi (shiva city) which has continued to pull and hold me now for many months since then the complete immersion into the life path of music and yoga. From Tabla - my teacher then pointed me towards a slide guitar teacher Dr.Shibbanath Battacharia (also name meaning shiva) since I was still interested at that early stage in learning a melodic indian instrument. Because I had a guitar with me; my tabla teacher pointed me towards that and so started the beginning of a 6 year current relationship between the myself and the hindustani Slide guitar. 'But as devoted as I am now; music was not something of interest to me, having two musical parents both of which who were not so financially successful in that career; despite their full passion and originality. So as a child the prospect of devoting myself to music in their footsteps I suppose was not so appealing, despite the natural ability and discreet affinity I shared towards music.' 'It was not until I left Byron Bay after 18; moved to Sydney and lost my previous identity.........Was I able to release my previous trauma and projections towards it and then recreate myself with the help of my fathers persistent encouragement to 'pick up the guitar.' But once it became an expression of my own being; only then did it stick. After a year I could write, sing and play my own songs publicly but something was still missing and the feelings within the music still overshadowed an emotional gap in my connection to the world around me - (call it teenage angst if you will). That was when my father pointed me to Satyananda Yoga Ashrama in Australia's Mangrove Mountain where I began the yogic studies diploma and learnt about many a hidden connection already I had with India. The philosophy of yoga was also fulfilling an empty hunger I had accumulated since perhaps birth in this world and the more I learnt of this path; the more I felt drawn to experience the ancient mystical land of India for myself. And thus began my journey into the integrative world of Yoga and Music.........
Below Image: International Slide Guitar Festival 2015 with Debashish Battacharia |
Sound Scaping