Aumbience |
星光 - 种子 - 花园 世界&多种放松音乐的融合 - 概念、语言和神圣的曼陀罗/唱诵 -将人比喻成闪耀在浩瀚宇宙中的繁星,在夜空中相互映照 -音乐或歌曲就像种子,可以播撒在整个星球,净化一切生命,为所有生命带来灵性的提升。 同样适合作为瑜伽练习音乐使用;可以随着唱歌或作为背景音乐。 创作人&演奏者:Shivam Rath,Mico Sundari Listen online please follow <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Track Link: ^_^ Yoroshku Onegeishmasu ^_^ Now available on itunes. |
Arigatao!!! from
Art Work:Yuka Imabayashi
Design : Assemblage
Album Notes
“Star Seed Garden”
~6 seeds for inner awakening~
Nearly 5 months has passed since the StarSeed tour in Japan began in RubyRoom Tokyo - with over 50 live sessions and sharings. Moving through Nagoya - Nagano - Kannsai - Shkoku - Kyushu - back and forth with a quick visit to Taiwan;
Playing all through the wide range of YogaStudio’s; Cafe’s Bar’s and live houses, guest houses; temples and shrines; to the streets and to the nature; to the front of Japans nuclear facilities - Genpatsu; all the time with friends and family - young and old alike.
The feeling of gratitude and respect shining out to all those who helped and supported this tour along the way - knowing that without your help; we would not have been able to continue for such a length of time. These people should know who they are without me having to give names ;)
The seeds having been planted will continue to grow and inspire within this ancient land among all those who shared, sung and co-created this journey together along the way. And just as those same seeds continue to grow and transform within these people so too do they grow within MicotsukiShivamoon - growing towards the clarity of truth and the clearness of purity within the vibration that is self and that which will be the reflected vibration of self and sound. NadaBrahama - the world is sound - Sekai wa ongak - using the tools of music and sound to aspire, connect and re-awaken the sense of sacred living.
Thus the seeds of the next album have been already fully set and planted; & with it came the powerfully past - future & present inspiration of Japans National Anthem - Kimi Ga Yo - Chi Yo Ni - Ya Chi Yo Ni -
Furthermore we recorded recently a 30 minute ambient meditation track for the practice of Yoga Nidra - pyschics-sleep with both english and Japanese for those who wish to download and make use of a tool for great relaxation.
This free download can befound from this link:
NadaNidra @
So please stay connected and tuned in for the next StarSeedTour:
東京のRuby Roomを皮切りに約5カ月に渡って続けてきたStar Seed Gardenツアー。
わたし達が旅を通して種まきした音の種たちは、この歴史と伝統の国(日本)で、それを受け取ってくれたそれぞれの人たち、ともに歌った人たち、いっしょにこの旅をクリエイトしてきたみなさんの内で成長を続けるように、Micotsuki Shivamoon、わたしたち自身の内でも成熟を続けることでしょう。より明瞭な真実へと向けて、より純粋な音へと向かって……
それでは、次のStar Seed Gardenツアーでお逢いしましょう!
Art Work:Yuka Imabayashi
Design : Assemblage
Album Notes
“Star Seed Garden”
~6 seeds for inner awakening~
Nearly 5 months has passed since the StarSeed tour in Japan began in RubyRoom Tokyo - with over 50 live sessions and sharings. Moving through Nagoya - Nagano - Kannsai - Shkoku - Kyushu - back and forth with a quick visit to Taiwan;
Playing all through the wide range of YogaStudio’s; Cafe’s Bar’s and live houses, guest houses; temples and shrines; to the streets and to the nature; to the front of Japans nuclear facilities - Genpatsu; all the time with friends and family - young and old alike.
The feeling of gratitude and respect shining out to all those who helped and supported this tour along the way - knowing that without your help; we would not have been able to continue for such a length of time. These people should know who they are without me having to give names ;)
The seeds having been planted will continue to grow and inspire within this ancient land among all those who shared, sung and co-created this journey together along the way. And just as those same seeds continue to grow and transform within these people so too do they grow within MicotsukiShivamoon - growing towards the clarity of truth and the clearness of purity within the vibration that is self and that which will be the reflected vibration of self and sound. NadaBrahama - the world is sound - Sekai wa ongak - using the tools of music and sound to aspire, connect and re-awaken the sense of sacred living.
Thus the seeds of the next album have been already fully set and planted; & with it came the powerfully past - future & present inspiration of Japans National Anthem - Kimi Ga Yo - Chi Yo Ni - Ya Chi Yo Ni -
Furthermore we recorded recently a 30 minute ambient meditation track for the practice of Yoga Nidra - pyschics-sleep with both english and Japanese for those who wish to download and make use of a tool for great relaxation.
This free download can befound from this link:
NadaNidra @
So please stay connected and tuned in for the next StarSeedTour:
東京のRuby Roomを皮切りに約5カ月に渡って続けてきたStar Seed Gardenツアー。
わたし達が旅を通して種まきした音の種たちは、この歴史と伝統の国(日本)で、それを受け取ってくれたそれぞれの人たち、ともに歌った人たち、いっしょにこの旅をクリエイトしてきたみなさんの内で成長を続けるように、Micotsuki Shivamoon、わたしたち自身の内でも成熟を続けることでしょう。より明瞭な真実へと向けて、より純粋な音へと向かって……
それでは、次のStar Seed Gardenツアーでお逢いしましょう!
「おかえりなさい」すべてがゆるされた魂の庭で……。インドの伝統音楽に“be here now”なテイストをフュージョンした至福のメディテーショナルサウンド。
A blend of world & relaxing rainbow music - ideas, language and sacred mantra/chants -painting the analogy that all humans are like stars glowing in this universe, reflecting and radiating upon each other - and that music or songs are like seeds in which we can plant and spread across the planet for the purification and spiritual development of the collective consciousness.
~ micotsuki∞shivamoon プロフィール ~
バイロンベイ出身、生来の音楽家でありヨギである両親を持つマルチインストロメンタリスト、Shivam Rathと、東京発、声を楽器に世界の聖地、神社仏閣で、シャーマニックな奉納ライブを続けるmico、二人のサウンドワラ(音遣い)によるDevotional Duo。父の影響から幼少期よりインド古典音楽の学びをはじめたShivamは現在、インディアン・スライドギターの巨匠、Debashish Bhattacharyに師事し、ラーガの迷宮を探求中。平均律を超えた夢幻のメロディにmicoのヴォイスがライドするとき、唯一無二のエンライトメント・サウンドが放たれる。ともにNada Yoga(音のヨガ)の指導者でもある二人は、オーストラリア、タイ、日本各地のヨガスタジオ、フェスティバル等で歌うヨガと呼ばれる「キルタン」のレッスンを展開。音のスター・シードをシェアしながら巡礼の旅を続けている。
Vocals - Shivam Rath - Mico Sundari
HansaVeena - Slide Guitar - Shivam Rath
Shakuhatchi - Shivam Rath
Tabla - Shivam Rath
2015 Aumbience Production - Recorded Mastered & Performed by Wisemans Studio - Copyright © all rights reserved

日本巡礼ツアー中のMicotsuki Shivamoon。
Hari Om Tat Sat
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