Aumbience |
Album Info :

- Aumbience co Founder - Shivam Rath -
- Creator of the Aumbience co; recording, mixing and producing various sounds, songs and meditative albums.
A musician and multi instrumentalist following the pursuits of Nada Yoga (Sound sadhana - discipline)
In spare time - Creative Writer - Wandering traveller & all around Yoga teacher.
(Currently studying Indian Classical Music with Renowned International Slide-Guitarist Pandit Debashish Battacharia from Kalkatta).
For more info:
Recently finished project: 2014 album Kundalini Rising - a playfully innovative approach to the vastly but deeply profound topic of the energetic system known in the ancient language of Sankrit as the Kundalini Shakti - the life energy of all.
Rather than being to formal on theory alone, the album is intended to be an explorative journey that is - both dynamic and meditative, playful yet engaging, chaotic but melodic, provocative but informative - traditional but modern and representative in such a way that it can be related to the contemporary world in which all these facets are in coexistence.
Contrary to the conventional path of using something like particular frequency singing bowls to resonate and identify each particular chakra, or present merely a simple straightforward systematic methodical structure; - ascending chakra to chakra - Lam - vam - ram - yam - hum - aum - etc
The music should be represented in context and in relation to one's own life - it should be reflective to both the inner and outer journeys of our experience and feelings of the music; thus it becomes something more deep and personal than just a systematic guideline from the 'textbook'.
Considering a single life to be of limitless potential to each personified existence.
In response, this album is an attempt to take on a more expressive representation of a musical and experiential interpretation of each chakra - combining mood, theme and the various tattvwas or elements to a general feeling and particular understanding/ insight to what the chakras are, analysing the mood and form only after it has naturally formed itself within the structure of the music. Although on that note; one does not expect everyone to agree or resonate to a particular interpretation of the chakras via the albums own musical canvas, just as everyone is a unique individual being, so too are the various chakras within each of us, all of which are functioning and influencing our lives to greater or lesser degrees.
So on that note, all music in some form or another could be related to one particular chakra in one particular way? Like the general music of todays modern day society for example - what chakra would you say modern day pop music is usually revolving around? (something to consider ~?~)
Thus its no surprise ancient historians have used music and song lyrics of the past to also reflect the state and characteristics of a particular society.
Please add to Forum your opinions to Nada Yoga
Consequently in the album Kundalini rising each track plays in turn with these natural dynamics; to the elemental and resounding frequencies of each personified chakra as they reverberate and reflect upon the other. Chakras are contrasting just like our moods and the fluctuating situations of our lives; but within the great contrasts of all things it seems, all dualities can be shown as a way in which they may come together to harmonise, merge or coexist; perhaps as a pathway to carry forth the clear stream of consciousness throughout our everyday lives - Sushumna Nadi -
Using 90% live acoustic instruments to convey these themes and having them tuned in harmony to the ancient and currently awakening frequency of 432Hz ( a more embedded frequency that is naturally aligned with the formations of the cosmos for more info: ) with a mix of live recordings from nature, fused with the modern day advancements of technology to create the structural backbones for each chakra.
Some people say, this chakra is this colour, and that chakra is that colour, but again this is only a guideline of someone’s own particular experience which they are relating for a general benefit; but may however not be necessarily the same for anybody else. Even ones own perception of what chakras are; is and certainly will only ever continue to change and evolve alongside ones own journey and awakening through life.
So rather than personify them completely to oneself, the main dimensions of the Chakras attempted to display in the album are the elemental themes and references to Chakra psychology, I.e Mooladhara - Earth - Grounding, support, structure and also with reference to the Granthis, (psychic knots) here Brahma Granthi representing attachment to the physical and material world.
Working predominately with a loop machine, each chakra/ track has been recorded in a live flow, meaning the tracks simultaneously were recorded while spontaneously jammed along, adding various new instruments one by one as the loop continued to build in layers, energy and ultimately atmosphere. This incidentally seems to be a strong parallel to the concept of the chakras, which translates to vortex or cycle of energy - in other words a loop of force and current that builds upon itself over time to create various fields and dimensions to become manifest, each chakra resonating with the other in order to create and sustain human existence. By building upon each layer of sound with further added melodic harmonies, percussive cymbals and rhythmical patterns, a simple groove so to say can suddenly be transformed into something highly complex and even somewhat epic.
Through the melodies of the ‘Modern day Veena' (Mohan Veena/ Hindustani Slide Guitar), the drone of the ‘Didge’, with rich rhythmic tapestry of the Tabla and the healing chants from the ancient language of Sanskrit combined with the innate wisdom of the heart; conveys the ascension of the mythical kundalini Rising as it travels through the various chakras back to its source of creation.
The Rudra Veena one of the most ancient forms of stringed instruments in the world and is where the Veena / Sitar / Sarod and many other instruments are thought to have originated from, Rudra also being another name of Shiva - Consciousness. Thus the Veena is an instrument and vehicle itself for carrying the ascension of energy to meet consciousness - Shakti to meet Shiva - Hence we have the definition of Nada Yoga and the final concept
of Kundalini Rising.
All instruments, recordings and effects have been played and produced by Shivam Rath having studied and developed these skills to a certain degree in which independently; could play, create and combine the various components to produce this album. This includes the editing and audio mastering of the entire album -
'A special thanks towards the artists who helped fashion a cover for the album;
Gemma Mcgowan, Helios who as a great friend all the way out in France has still been apart of this manifestation; shakti Mother Rosemary Rath and shiva Father Kaoshal Saraswati for both having given the musical gene or DNA or blood or Bhav or path or whatever one may call it and also for them both having created the original chant which I heard on Tape one day and never forgot the melody or lyrics to that chant'; Shivam Rath
- Om Shiva Om Shakti Om - Kundalini Ma Devi Jago Ma - Kundalini Ma Devi Jago Ma -
Special gratitude to the additional Voices : Swami Satyadharma of Mangrove Mountain Ashram for her continual shining wisdom across the deep fathomless yogic concepts of Kundalini, tantra, mantra, yantra, chakra, sadhana etc etc and for allowing me to use her recordings within the album itself.
(For more Info on Kundalini Yoga by Swami Satyadharma please check Yoga Chudamani Upanishad )
Narmada of Federal - Lismore - Byron Bay region, for spontaneously opening her heart and voice in the chanting of OmNamashivaya in the track Anahata
& Mico Sundari for becoming the spontaneous shakti force and voice in collaboration to the final product of this album - everything having being recorded during first takes only.
Swami buddhananda for his text and quote from Moolabandh the master key - ( first quote during the introduction track)
And all the great Sages, Mages, Gurus and Teachers of all the ancient traditions of the world for the continuation in preservation and maintenance in upholding what is sacred and important to this life - and especially to those who also travelled abroad in order to play the pivotal role of the sharing and integration of that knowledge and philosophy to the western world.
- Jai Guru Deva -