Aumbience |
Workshop & Events
Nada Yoga workshop
Live Indian classical Music
Chanting and Traditional hatha yoga; pranayama & meditation all in one. YogaNidra meditation with live accompanying music Voice; swara, raga and Kirtana workshops - training. Private and group sessions also available. Check out the blog for NadaYoga NadaBrahama - the world is sound. Aumbience follows this outlook of India's ancient philosophy of music and its spiritual significance. Here we aim to bring the intention of music as a process where one can use sound as a direct means to experience deeper states of ourselves; with trance or meditative like results; simultaneously creating a positive - healing vibration for ourselves and the surrounding environment as we do so. We believe music is sound in motion - energy in motion- 'e-motion', our emotional responses and the harmony of our focus and expressions of any given moment in the harmonic field of sound. Just as we may use meditation or yoga asana to align our mind and body so too can we use the power of sound to open ourselves and bridge the balance between our head and heart. Music is a reflection of life. All forms and states of emotion and even atmosphere can be expressed and reflected through music. With this in mind, we can then use the tools and techniques to purify ourselves through sound. Thus using music to learn, awaken, and evolve. |
音(ナーダ)ヨガ Workshop
Through study and travels across the world never have we found such an ancient and systematic approach like the indian classical system which highlights these points in a very holistic and practical way. We wish to demonstrate and share the various dimensions, language and tone of rhythm, melody and movement; towards the co-creation of something beyond any one culture or spoken language itself, striving towards that which is universal. Teaching chiefly: Vocal - Stringed and rhythmic instruments; People interested in Mantra, Sanskrit and focusing on the deepening process of sound in daily practice. 私たちは、国内外のヨガアシュラム、カフェスペース、“音(ナーダ)ヨガ”のワークショップ&コンサートをシェアしています。 音(ナーダ)ヨガはインドにおいて古くから伝わるヨガのスタイルの一つ。ハタヨガのように、身体の動きを用いる通常のヨガに対して、自身の「声」や「音楽」を通して自らの内側を見つめ、魂の本質へと深くつながるためのプラクティスです。 NadaBrahama - sekaii wa oto desu また、サッチャナンダ・ヨガ・アシュラム公認ヨガ講師であり、インド古典音楽奏者であるShivam Rathは、インド古典音楽のラーガの要素を取り入れた“オーガニックキルタン”を発案。すべての行為はヨガ(自然・宇宙と調和するための道)という理念のもと、キルタン、ハタ・ヨガ、プラーナ・ヤーマ、ヨガ・ニードラ(眠りのヨガ)等を総合的に体験できるリトリートプログラムやグループ、プライベートレッスンも展開しています。 |
【mico & Shivam 関東&東京ツアースケジュール】
10月23日(日)【明日!!】Mico とShivamのレインボーウエディング@Ruby Room(渋谷)
with 寺原太郎
11月3日(木)ヨガ×キルタンWS with Ria @BEACH葉山(葉山)
11月4日(金)Over the Rainbow Live@麻心(江の島)
11月8日(火)Soul Sangeeta キルタン×インド古典音楽の夕べwith 寺原太郎&マハリシ・ラヴァル
~ Click for Tickets & Events ~
For more Info on Australian Tabla Artist Shen Flindell:
Current Workshop Info:
The workshops or performance style we offer is a mixture of interactive and organic like voice work or kirtana, (mantra chanting) to rhythm and melodic games (based on indian classical training) and the combination of melody with rhythm, asana or mantra practice (sanskrit chanting) for focus and meditation; all of which is aiming to point us to the culmination of yoga;
where music meets us in stillness.
Thus this path is referred to as NadaYoga
Yoga nidra with sound (Nada-Nidra)is often something I like to end our sessions with to bring the music and energy back into a calm state of being.
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-Chant to Balance your mind -
Stretch to empower your body and sing to harmonize your heart
~ please contact for more info ~
Slow - Alap of Raga Bhageshwari - Melodic atmosphere - Varanassi India - 2016
Faster section of the Alap - Jor/Jhalla - Melodic Crescendo - Varanassi India - 2016