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~ micotsuki∞shivamoon プロフィール ~
バイロンベイ出身、生来の音楽家でありヨギである両親を持つマルチインストロメンタリスト、Shivam Rathと、東京発、声を楽器に世界の聖地、神社仏閣で、シャーマニックな奉納ライブを続けるmico、二人のサウンドワラ(音遣い)によるDevotional Duo。父の影響から幼少期よりインド古典音楽の学びをはじめたShivamは現在、インディアン・スライドギターの巨匠、Debashish Bhattacharyに師事し、ラーガの迷宮を探求中。平均律を超えた夢幻のメロディにmicoのヴォイスがライドするとき、唯一無二のエンライトメント・サウンドが放たれる。ともにNada Yoga(音のヨガ)の指導者でもある二人は、オーストラリア、タイ、日本各地のヨガスタジオ、フェスティバル等で歌うヨガと呼ばれる「キルタン」のレッスンを展開。音のスター・シードをシェアしながら巡礼の旅を続けている。
Shivam and Mico Chan - joined together become Micotsuki - Shivamoon - and toured their 2015 release C.D
Star~Seed~Garden across Japan.
The semi crescent moon known as mikatsuki (in Japanese) and full crescent moon depicted by the hindu god Shiva (in India)
While the moon is something of an isolated being; so too were Shivam and Mico in their solo journeys through life and music; but like the great gradual cycles of space and time; there comes a moment of alignment and meeting; and since the beginning of 2015 a seed was born from such a meeting; and this seed would be known as the StarSeedGarden; the first culminating album of their sudden collaborative meeting.
Shivam Rath is a wandering sound healer, multi instrumentalist & Yoga teacher following a Byron Bay blood line of Musical heritage and family connections to Varnassi India and the Satyananda/Sivananada Yoga Lineage & since 2010 has dove deep within the strict Indian classical music system, under a variety of great maestros (such as Debashish Bhattacharia - hindustani slide guitar & Shibbanath Battacharia - Sri Chota Lal Misra of Banaras Gharan Tabla, Sanjay Chakraborty of the infamous Chakraborty family for vocals and Indian Classical theory) etc etc...
Mico Sundari comes from the Shinto line of Japan’s spiritual heritage. She utilises her voice like an instrument, taking on a shamanistic atmosphere and approach to her musical expressions while Shivam focuses towards the pitch of perfection playing with the depth of sound vibration and rhythm from the ancient Indian classical system of music. Together Micotsuki Shivamoon is thus the Spiritual Sound Duo that consists of an authentic journey throughout the range of what is traditional and modern; blending the two as one through the art of devotion in music.
When Mico’s crystal voice rides on the sliding waves of the Indian fusion instrument; there is something beyond the usual temperament, the colours of the rainbow emerge to the 22 strings resonating in key to each other; like stars flying through the extent of space; thus is their music as they explore the diversity of the world and its cultures through the universal voice and language that is beyond intellectual understanding.
They are also teaching “Nada Yoga”,“Bhakti Yoga”and hosting the classes of “Kirtan”in Australia, Japan, China, India & Thailand. Micotsuki & Shivamoon continue to wander the earth planting their star seeds for healing and spiritual upliftment.
Hari Om Tat Sat
バイロンベイ出身、生来の音楽家でありヨギである両親を持つマルチインストロメンタリスト、Shivam Rathと、東京発、声を楽器に世界の聖地、神社仏閣で、シャーマニックな奉納ライブを続けるmico、二人のサウンドワラ(音遣い)によるDevotional Duo。父の影響から幼少期よりインド古典音楽の学びをはじめたShivamは現在、インディアン・スライドギターの巨匠、Debashish Bhattacharyに師事し、ラーガの迷宮を探求中。平均律を超えた夢幻のメロディにmicoのヴォイスがライドするとき、唯一無二のエンライトメント・サウンドが放たれる。ともにNada Yoga(音のヨガ)の指導者でもある二人は、オーストラリア、タイ、日本各地のヨガスタジオ、フェスティバル等で歌うヨガと呼ばれる「キルタン」のレッスンを展開。音のスター・シードをシェアしながら巡礼の旅を続けている。
Shivam and Mico Chan - joined together become Micotsuki - Shivamoon - and toured their 2015 release C.D
Star~Seed~Garden across Japan.
The semi crescent moon known as mikatsuki (in Japanese) and full crescent moon depicted by the hindu god Shiva (in India)
While the moon is something of an isolated being; so too were Shivam and Mico in their solo journeys through life and music; but like the great gradual cycles of space and time; there comes a moment of alignment and meeting; and since the beginning of 2015 a seed was born from such a meeting; and this seed would be known as the StarSeedGarden; the first culminating album of their sudden collaborative meeting.
Shivam Rath is a wandering sound healer, multi instrumentalist & Yoga teacher following a Byron Bay blood line of Musical heritage and family connections to Varnassi India and the Satyananda/Sivananada Yoga Lineage & since 2010 has dove deep within the strict Indian classical music system, under a variety of great maestros (such as Debashish Bhattacharia - hindustani slide guitar & Shibbanath Battacharia - Sri Chota Lal Misra of Banaras Gharan Tabla, Sanjay Chakraborty of the infamous Chakraborty family for vocals and Indian Classical theory) etc etc...
Mico Sundari comes from the Shinto line of Japan’s spiritual heritage. She utilises her voice like an instrument, taking on a shamanistic atmosphere and approach to her musical expressions while Shivam focuses towards the pitch of perfection playing with the depth of sound vibration and rhythm from the ancient Indian classical system of music. Together Micotsuki Shivamoon is thus the Spiritual Sound Duo that consists of an authentic journey throughout the range of what is traditional and modern; blending the two as one through the art of devotion in music.
When Mico’s crystal voice rides on the sliding waves of the Indian fusion instrument; there is something beyond the usual temperament, the colours of the rainbow emerge to the 22 strings resonating in key to each other; like stars flying through the extent of space; thus is their music as they explore the diversity of the world and its cultures through the universal voice and language that is beyond intellectual understanding.
They are also teaching “Nada Yoga”,“Bhakti Yoga”and hosting the classes of “Kirtan”in Australia, Japan, China, India & Thailand. Micotsuki & Shivamoon continue to wander the earth planting their star seeds for healing and spiritual upliftment.
Hari Om Tat Sat